Commonwealth Warriors

Commonwealth Warriors
Ready for Anything

Friday, 4 October 2013

British Army DPM

British DPM Disrupted Pattern Material was initialy designed for the British Army back in 1966. By 1968, it was general issue to all regiments in the British Army.
Many Commonwealth forces adopted this uniform.
The DPM I am modeling consists of a pair of Soldier 95 trousers, and a combat jacket. My helmet is a Canadian M1 issue with foilage attached. This is what a marksmen/sniper might have worn if deployed to Europe or in Canada. The rifle is my 1910 Ross Rifle which was sporterized. The scope was a Christmas present from my father when I was 16. The rifle still shoots well.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The garrison of the Halifax Citadel, National Historic Site, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Halifax Citadel Regimental Association is a non-profit group which provides the soldiers for the garrison of the Halifax Citadel every summer.

Myself with my children with a L/Cpl of the regiment. He was corporal of the guard that day. I'm wearing my old glengarry with the Seaforth Highlanders cap badge. My sporran also has the stags head as I was a drummer sgt n another reenactment regiment. I served as a private in the 78th Highlanders as a university student.

My children and I with a Sargeant of the 3rd Brigade, Royal Artillery, the other regiment I served with as a student.
This is an excellent program which represents two proud regiments, but also gives great work experience to the men and women who are high school, college or university students.
who knows? My son and daughter might follow me into the regiment! The private is wearing the undress, or drill uniform. This is what we wore when going about our duties inside the fort, usually when doing drill. We'd save our redcoats for sentry duty, and for formal drill displays. There are alot of brass buttons to shine on them!
The weather was too wet that day for them to wear their feather bonnets. The feathers will drip dye out onto our uniforms which stain them.